Getting Started > Amicus Attorney Logs
Several Amicus Attorney services log their activities to the Windows Event Log facility. These services include Firm Daily Checks. In the course of assisting you with a problem, Amicus Attorney Technical Support might ask you to check the Amicus Attorney Log.
To view this Log, go to the Windows Control Panel on the Amicus Attorney Server, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Event Viewer. Select Amicus Attorney in the list at the left to display the Log's contents.
Additional logs are created by particular Amicus functions, such as the Accounting Links. Amicus Attorney Technical Support or an Amicus message might ask you to check a log. The folders containing these logs can be conveniently accessed from the Windows Start menu:
Amicus > Amicus Attorney Tools > Server Logs
Amicus > Amicus Attorney Tools > User Logs
Choose Help > Send Log in Amicus Attorney at a Workstation, or click Send Log in the Support section of the Help Center. The log is sent to Amicus Attorney Technical Support directly by e-mail.
Amicus Admin Help (April 2024)