Getting Started > Installing Amicus Attorney
Before installing Amicus Attorney on your Server, it is important to review hardware and software requirements. For details, see the "Amicus Hardware & Software Requirements".
This Administrator Help assumes that you have installed or upgraded Amicus Attorney on your Server. See the appropriate Amicus Attorney Install Guide for step-by-step instructions on installing Amicus Attorney.
If you have upgraded Amicus Small Firm, a conversion utility is provided on your Amicus Attorney Server.
Notes: Due to differences in the Amicus Attorney data model, some settings are not converted because either they are no longer necessary or they require reconfiguration. Additionally, some data is reclassified on conversion. Thus after the conversion, some items will require attention by an Amicus Administrator or Firm Members. For full instructions and conversion notes, see the "Small Firm Conversion Guide". |
Amicus Admin Help (April 2024)