Files > Filling in General Information > Filling in Information about the Responsible Lawyer
The bottom section of the Admin > General view provides the Responsible Lawyer fields, including settings that can help the Responsible Lawyer keep track of the File.
The Responsible Lawyer on a File is the Timekeeper designated as being responsible for carriage of the File.
Based on your preference settings, a particular Timekeeper is automatically assigned as the Responsible Lawyer on new Files you create. At any time, you can assign a different Timekeeper as the Responsible Lawyer.
To change the assignment, click the Select People button. Select a Timekeeper in the dialog that appears.
When you assign a Responsible Lawyer to the File, they are automatically added to the People on the File list (as an individual), even if they are a member of a Firm Group already assigned to the File. This ensures that they will remain on the File even if they are later removed from the Group or the Group is removed from the File.
The Responsible Lawyer can be warned if no Time Entries have been created on the File recently. The warning appears in the Today's Practice Reminders section of the Dailies, and a "Review Status" To Do is scheduled to remind them to check the File.
To set a "no Time Entries" warning, select the No Time Entry checkbox. In the list box to the right of the checkbox, type the number of days before warning.
The Responsible Lawyer can be warned if Firm Members are putting in too much time on a File, that is, when a particular amount of time spent on the File is exceeded. The warning appears in the Today's Practice Reminders section of the Dailies module.
To set a "too much time spent" warning, select the second checkbox under Warn Responsible Lawyer If, and indicate when the warning should occur:
To send a warning when the time spent since a particular date is over a specified amount, select "Time Since" in the list box to the right of the checkbox. Edit the date if necessary. Type the desired number of hours in the Exceeds box.
To send a warning when the total amount of time spent is over a specified amount, select "Total Time" in the list box to the right of the checkbox. Select the desired number of hours in the Exceeds list box.
You can add instructions that recommend what is to be done on the File while the Responsible Lawyer is away from the office for a vacation or due to some other reason.
To add these instructions, type the instructions in the "If Responsible Lawyer is on vacation" box, at the bottom of the Responsible Lawyer section.
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