Administering the Database > Database Backup and Restore > Supplemental data to back up and restore

 Supplemental data to back up and restore separately

The Amicus Attorney backup function, and the SQL Management Studio backup and restore functions, do not include items outside of the Amicus core and media databases.

Supplemental firm data at the Server

Consider backing up these items periodically for the firm:

Shared documents
In a User-Managed Documents environment, back up any folders used by Firm Members for storing "shared" documents.
In an Amicus-Managed Documents environment, back up the firm's Managed Documents location, by default:
\Amicus Attorney Server\SharedDocuments

Document templates—Stored, by default, in the following location:
\Amicus Attorney Server\DocumentAssemblyTemplates

Custom Reports
Basic Reports are stored in the following location:
\Amicus Attorney Server\CrystalReportsTemplates

Advanced Reports are stored in the following location:
\Amicus Attorney Server\SQLReportsTemplates\ATTORNEY

Supplemental user data at each Workstation

When a user is changing computers, consider backing up these personal items:

Custom Dictionary and the Spelling Auto-Text and Exceptions lists—In the Windows Start menu, click Run, enter %appdata% and navigate to the \Amicus\[Amicus User Name] folder. Copy this folder, which contains the Custom Dictionary (AmicusDictionary.dic) and the Spelling lists (wordsubstitutions.sub).

Custom Sounds (if any)—Stored in the following location:
\Amicus Attorney Workstation\Sounds


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