APX (Abacus Payment Exchange) > Viewing APX Transactions

Viewing APX Transactions

 APX payments are prefixed with (APX). When a transaction does not have a description associated with it the Transaction Type is prefixed with (APX).

Payments are handled in the same manner for both APX payments:

Credit Card Payments (APX)

ACH Payments (APX)

The Billing View Files Details

To access the Receipt Payment dialog:

Select Receipt Payment form the Navigator section of the BILLING-side Home screen:

Or, open a file and go to the Taskbar,  click on the Transactions icon  and select Receive Payment from the pull-down list.

The Receive Payment dialog displays:

Trust Bank – Trust Receipt (UI View)

To view the Trust Receipt dialog box:

Open the File Details window and select File Facts > All Transactions or Trust from the left sidebar navigation bar.

A description is always displayed

Click on the Transactions icon in the Taskbar and select Trust > Trust Receipt from the pull-down list.

The Trust Receipt dialog displays:

Printed Receipt and Bills (New Payment)

To print receipts for bank accounts:

Select Office > Firm Settings from the left navigation pane  to display the Firm Settings window.

Scroll down to the Billing section and select Bank Accounts to display the Billing - Bank Accounts dialog.

Select the Print client receipts for bank accounts checkbox.


To generate an APX - Credit Card and ACH Report:

Select Office > Firm Settings from the left navigation pane  to display the Firm Settings window.

Scroll down to the Billing section and select Abacus Payment Exchange (APX) to display the Billing - Abacus Payment Exchange (APX) dialog.

Click APX Transaction Report to display the APX - Credit Card and ACH Report dialog.

Complete the following fields by entering information or selecting from the pull-down menus:

From and To dates

Click OK to generate the report.


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APX (Abacus Payment Exchange)

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Amicus Billing User Help (April 2024)