Files > Filling in accounting information > Filling in general client and matter information

Filling in general client and matter information

To fill in client and matter information for a File, open the File Details window, choose Admin > Accounting on the navigation list in the control panel.

The top right section of the Admin Accounting brad view provides the client matter fields.

As on the Attorney side, specify the Primary Client, client and matter names and IDs, and so on.

Specifying the primary client

To specify the Primary Client on the File, click the People Select button and select the relevant Contact. If the Contact already has a Client ID, it will be automatically assigned to the File.

Specifying client and matter names

The Client and Matter Names default from the Primary Client selected and Short File Name entered. Edit them if necessary.

Specifying Client and Matter IDs

If you select an existing Primary Client who has a Client ID, their ID is provided.

For new Files and new Primary Clients, the Client ID and/or Matter ID might be automatically provided. If so, you might be able to override the defaults. These features depend on your Billing firm settings.

If required, ensure that a Client ID and Matter ID are specified. The Client ID must be unique—a Client cannot have more than one Client ID, and two Client cannot share the same Client ID. Depending on your firm settings, Matter ID must be fully unique, or merely unique for the particular selected Client.


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