Specifying Document Settings for the firm > Microsoft Indexing Service
The Microsoft Indexing Service is available only if your Amicus Application Server runs on Windows 7 or lower, or Windows Server 2008 or lower.
It's recommended that you use the Amicus Indexing Service instead, especially if running under a higher version or a 64-bit version of Windows—see Amicus Indexing Service.
When adding or removing large numbers of documents to be indexed, it is recommended that such mass change be done off hours.
Choose the Microsoft Indexing Service option if available and desired.
Open the Microsoft Indexing Service and enable the Indexing Service (if necessary). Consult your Microsoft documentation for details.
At the Amicus Attorney Application Server, go to Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management. (Or, if running under Windows Server 2008, see your Microsoft documentation for instructions.)
In the navigation list at the left, go to Services and Applications > Indexing Service.
Add a Catalog named "Amicus" to the Service:
Stop the Indexing Service.
Right-click on Indexing Service and choose New Catalog.
Enter the name "Amicus" and set the location to your Amicus folder, e.g. C:\Amicus.
Specify the document folders you want indexed. These folders must be on the Server's drives, not on networked drives. All subfolders are included. The default Shared Documents location created automatically during the Server installation is \Amicus Attorney Server\SharedDocuments. Your firm might have different shared documents folder(s), or you might switch to Amicus-Managed mode using a different Managed Documents folder.
In the navigation list at the left, navigate to Services and Applications > Indexing Service > Amicus > Directories.
On the toolbar, choose Action > New > Directory and specify a folder. Repeat this step for each folder you want indexed. Specify the exact, complete path, relative to the Server, e.g. C:\Amicus\Amicus Attorney Server\SharedDocuments.
Stop and restart the Indexing Service.
We recommend that the Microsoft Indexing Service be set to start up automatically whenever the Amicus Server is restarted. (This can be done at the Server, via the Startup Type field in the Properties dialog for the Microsoft Indexing Service.)
If the Amicus Indexing Service was previously selected, we recommend for system performance and efficiency reasons that you now disable its processing of Amicus files.
Ensure that all Firm Members are logged out of all Amicus applications.
From Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, stop and restart the Amicus Service.
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Amicus Admin Help (April 2024)