APX (Abacus Payment Exchange) > APX Defaults and Edits
When APX is NOT enabled for the General Bank Account:
Right-click on a file in the File Index or select Create Bill under BILLING on the Billing Home Page to display the Create Bills dialog:
The APX – Credit Card / ACH option is hidden.
Click Send to Draft to create a draft bill.
Filter the bills from the pull-down menu in the Use bills with field.
When APX is enabled with not file selected.
Select Create Bill under BILLING on the Billing Home Page to display the Create Bills dialog:
The APX – Credit Card / ACH option displays.
Click Send to Draft to create a draft bill.
Filter the bills from the pull-down menu in the Use bills with field.
When APX is enabled with the file selected.
Right-click on a file in the File Index or select Create Bill under BILLING on the Billing Home Page to display the Create Bills dialog:
Any change to the default payment method will reset the APX amount to zero.
By default funds are utilized for transfer and payment in the following order:
General Retainer
Trust Retainer
Credit Card/ACH
The Transfers amount on the left equals General Retainer + Trust + APX transfers and changes dynamically when changes are made to these amounts.
The following message displays when the transfer is greater than current charges: "You cannot enter a negative amount for any of the transfer/payment amounts."
Select the Transfers/Payments tab to edit all the transfers.
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Amicus Billing User Help (April 2024)