Setting Up Your Office > Document Assembly Preferences > Step 3 - Install Amicus Tasks Toolbar

Step 3 - Install Amicus Tasks Toolbar

The Amicus Tasks Toolbar allows you to attach documents to your Amicus records as well as perform many other tasks directly from within Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, and optionally Outlook), WordPerfect, and Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

For more information, see Performing Amicus tasks from other applications. (In Word 2007 and later, Excel 2007 and later, and Outlook 2010 and later, these buttons and controls are provided via the Amicus Tasks tab on the ribbon rather than via a toolbar. In Adobe Acrobat X and later, and Adobe Reader X and later, these buttons and controls are provided from the Tools button at the upper right—expand the "Plug-In Amicus" item that appears below.)

This topic covers:

To install and enable the Amicus Tasks Toolbar at your workstation:

  1. Right-click on the Amicus Attorney icon on your Desktop and choose Run As Administrator before logging in to Amicus. If using WordPerfect, you must also be logged onto the workstation as a user with Windows "Administrators" Group rights. ("Power Users" Group rights are not sufficient.) This is necessary both for installation and afterwards.

  2. Go to the Office module, choose Preferences, and click Documents - Document Assembly.

  3. If using Word (and Excel or Outlook), specify the location of your Word program (.EXE file) and click Install.

  4. If using WordPerfect, specify the location of your WordPerfect program (.EXE file) and click Install.

  5. If using HotDocs, specify the location of your HotDocs program (.EXE file).

  6. If using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader, specify the location of your Adobe program (.EXE file) and click Install.

After installing the Tasks Toolbar and saving your preferences, exit Amicus Attorney. Then log back in (without choosing to Run As Administrator) to continue working in Amicus.

Clicking the Remove buttons will remove the toolbar from the corresponding third-party applications.  

Note: In a terminal services environment, or if multiple users share a computer, the installation of the Amicus Tasks Toolbar in an application need only be done once.

  • This should be performed by a user logged on to the Terminal Server as an Administrator (or onto the shared computer as an Administrator or Power User). An exception is WordPerfect—Amicus Tasks Toolbar must be installed separately for each workstation or user.


If you install the Amicus Tasks Toolbar to Word and Excel:



The Amicus Tasks Toolbar should appear automatically in Adobe Acrobat or Reader. In Adobe Reader X or later, however, you might need to allow access to the Toolbar. In Reader, from Edit > Preferences > General or Security (Enhanced), clear the "Enable Protective Mode at startup" option and click OK. Restart Adobe Reader.

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Amicus Attorney User Help (April 2024)