HotDocs Advance Integration > HotDocs Author > Testing a Template

 Testing a Template

Performing a test allows you to check that elements of the template work as expected. If not, you can fix any issues.

To test a template:

  1. Go to Office > Merge Temple to display the Template Management window

  2. Click Launch HotDocs Author to open WorkSpace Explorer.

  3. Select a template and click Edit.

    1. The HotDocs Author add-in for Word displays.

  4. Click Test in the Template group under the HotDocs Author tab in the Word ribbon to open the Hotdocs Test Browser which contains a Document Preview, Answer Summary, and the ability to save and open answer files.

    1. This enables you to interact with your template to check that either a component or a template works as you expect it to. For example, you can see how a dialog appears to a user during an interview.

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