Calendar > Working with existing Events > Deleting an Event

  Deleting an Event

To delete an Event, select it in a Calendar schedule or list, and then press the <DELETE> key. Or, if you are viewing a list of Events, select the Event, right-click on the list, and choose Delete on the shortcut menu that appears.

Or, if you are looking at the Event Details dialog for the Event, click Delete in the footer.

If you are the only Firm Member assigned to an Event, deleting the Event removes it permanently from the database—any Notes on the Event are deleted, and the Event is deleted from any associated Files.

However, if you delete an Event that is assigned to other Firm Members as well, a prompt appears. You can choose whether to only unassign yourself and remove the Event from your list (and leave it in the database), or else completely delete the Event from the database.


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