Customizing the Database > Designing Custom Fields, Pages, and Records > Custom Field Types

 Custom Field Types

The most important aspect of designing Custom Pages and Records is Custom Fields. There is a wide variety of Field Types available, as well as a selection of attributes relative to each.

The following types of Fields may be used in Pages and Records. To check what type a particular Field is, right-click on the Field in the Custom Page or Record Designer dialog and choose Show Attributes on the shortcut menu that appears. The Field Type is shown at the top of the Field Attributes dialog.

Field Attribute Description
Text Label Display-only text. This Field may be used to provide a heading or other general description on the Page or Record.
Line Display-only element, to visually separate areas on the Page or Record. You may add multiple Lines on a Page or Record.
Frame Display-only element, to visually define an area on the Page or Record. You may add multiple Frames on a Page or Record, but do not add overlapping Frames, or Frames within Frames.
Text A single line of text, up to a maximum number of characters set by the Maximum Length attribute (255 or less).
Memo One or more lines of text. (The maximum capacity is 2 GB.)
Drop-Down List A drop-down list box, providing the list items you define in the Drop-Down List Items dialog.
Checkbox A checkbox for true/false values.
Numeric A numeric value.
Currency A currency value with two decimal places, formatted according to the Firm Setting for Currency entry/display format.
Percent A numeric value expressed as a percentage.
Date A date, whose display format is controlled according to the display formats set in individual user preferences.
Time A time.
Lookup A Select File, Select People, or Select Event button, which will enable users to select the items appropriate to the Field: Files, People, Firm Members, Appointments or To Do's. The selected items will appear as links, and clicking the link will open the item's details.
Path or URL A computer file path or URL for a web page. The path or URL will be displayed as a link. Users can click the link to open the file or website, or right-click in the box to edit an existing value.
E-mail An e-mail address. The e-mail address will be displayed as a link. Users can click the link to open a new Outlook Message window in their e-mail program, or right-click in the box to edit an existing value.
Social Security Number A numeric field with a format mask of NNN-NN-NNNN. A hyphen will appear automatically between sections.
Social Insurance Number     A numeric field with a format mask of NNN-NNN-NNN. A hyphen will appear automatically between sections.
Graphic A Graphic display box. Users will be able to double-click the box and identify a computer file for display.

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