Managing Firm Members > Working w/user Management view > Working with Firm Members
Select Office > User Management to display the User Management window. You can add new Firm Members, view and edit their details, send Stickies, assign and unassign licenses, request a Firm Member to log out, and deny or grant them access to Amicus Attorney.
You can also reset a Firm Member's Password if they have forgotten it. In addition, you can transfer records from Former Firm Members (see Transferring Firm Member data).
To open the Person Edit dialog, double-click on the Firm Member in the User Management list. Or, select them, right-click, and then select Open on the shortcut menu that appears. For information about the Person Edit dialog, see Entering basic user information.
Further user details can be found in their Person Detail window, accessible through the People module. For more information, see the People lists customization.
To send a Sticky, select one or more users in the User Management list, right-click on the list, and choose Send Message on the shortcut menu that appears.
Type your message in the Sticky dialog that appears, assign File(s) if desired, and then click Send.
A Sticky displays on each Firm Member's screen, in front of any other Amicus Attorney windows and dialogs. If a Firm Member is not logged into Amicus Attorney when the Sticky arrives, it displays on their screen when they next log in.
When you require exclusive use of the Amicus Attorney Server or database, or for security reasons, you can request logged-in Firm Members to log out. Anyone not logged out within five minutes will be automatically logged out.
Click Yes in the continuation prompt that appears.
A Sticky is sent to each of the Firm Members, warning them that they will be automatically logged out in five minutes.
To temporarily deny or grant access to a Firm Member, you can select or clear their Deny Access checkbox in the User Management list. Or, you can select one or more users in the list, right-click on the list, and then select Deny Access or Grant Access on the shortcut menu that appears.
To deny access to all users currently shown in the list, click Deny All. If all users currently shown have been denied access, you can grant access to all of them by clicking Clear Deny.
If a user is logged in at the time that you deny them access, they are not affected until they next attempt to log in.
Denying access to a Firm Member does not affect their license status or their Amicus record assignments. Denying access to a Client does not remove their Client Portal account.
To assign one of the firm's Amicus Attorney licenses to a Firm Member, select their Licensed checkbox. To unassign a license from a Firm Member, simply clear the checkbox. Also see Providing Amicus Anywhere and TimeTracker access to users.
Select the users, right-click, and choose Set Security Profile, select a Security Profile in the dialog that appears.
While you can assign a Firm Member to Firm Groups (or remove them from Groups) from the Group Membership view of their Administrative Profile, you might sometimes wish to quickly assign or remove several Firm Members on one or more Groups. The Change Group Membership function provides a convenient way to make such mass changes.
You cannot delete users. If a user is no longer with the firm, you should designate them a Former Firm Member.
In order to maintain record history when a Firm Member leaves the firm, but ensure that their name is no longer available for assignments, you can change their Access Class from "Active Firm Member" to "Former Firm Member".
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Note: Once a Firm Member is marked "Former", they cannot be made "Active" again. |
From User Management, remove the Firm Member's Amicus license. (It's recommended that you do this as soon as they depart, for security reasons.) This automatically removes their Amicus Anywhere/TimeTracker login access as well.
Post any unposted Time Entries on which the Firm Member is the Timekeeper.
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Tip: To help find these Files you could right-click on the Files Index list, choose Show Fields to show the "RL" (Responsible Lawyer) column, and then sort the list by that column. A Firm Member with Assistant access, or one with rights to view Firm Files, can check that no Files still have him as Responsible Lawyer. |
On any Files for which the Firm Member is the Responsible Lawyer, make someone else the Responsible Lawyer.
In the Firm Member's Administration Profile, clear their Timekeeper designation.
In their Administration Profile, change their Access Class from "Active Firm Member" to "Former Firm Member". This automatically clears their Librarian and Administrator designations. They are still assigned to items in Amicus, but will no longer appear in Select Firm Member lists and are removed from Firm Member Groups.
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Tip: If another Firm Member is taking over the Former Firm Member's work, we recommend that you use the Transfer Record utility to transfer the Former Firm Member's records to them. See Transferring Firm Member data. |
If a user has lost their Password, you can give them a new one.
Double-click their name in the User Management list. Or, select them, right-click on the list, and then select Open on the shortcut menu that appears.
The Person Edit dialog appears.
Click Office Access to display the Office Access dialog.
Click Change Password. Type a new Password in the New Password box, and type it again in the Verify box. Then click OK.
Send an e-mail to the user, informing them of their new Password and asking them to go into their Person Edit dialog and change their Password as soon as possible, for security purposes.
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