Setting Up Your Office > General Preferences > My Profile Preferences
Your Profile is a basic description of you as an Amicus Attorney user.
To set your Profile preferences, select Office > Preferences, click My Profile under the General tab.
Your Full Name is shown near the top of the view.
To change your name, your communications or address information, your password, or other details in your Person record, click Edit.
Make your changes in the Edit Person dialog that appears, and then click OK. For more information, see Adding new communication or address information, and Editing communication or address information.
You can specify the following setting in the My Profile view:
Your Firm Member Designations, as assigned by your Amicus Administrator, are shown near the bottom of the view:
Timekeeper—you can keep Time Entries and have Time Sheets posted to the accounting system—for more information, see Time.
Librarian—you can manage the Firm Sections and Pages of the Library—for more information, see Library.
Administrator—you are an Amicus Administrator.
Finally, your assigned Firm Member Type (e.g. "Senior Partner", "Paralegal") is shown at the bottom of the view. This is simply a descriptive field.
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